Personal CFO
The chief financial officer (CFO) is a corporate officer primarily responsible for managing the financial risks of the corporation. This officer is also responsible for financial planning and record-keeping, as well as financial reporting to higher management --Wikipedia You make decisions every day. Large decisions, small decisions, difficult decisions, easy decisions, thoughtful decisions, and some decisions that could have used a little more time. Even your non-decisions are decisions. Decisions, decisions, decisions.. . The basis for your decisions is the research performed and knowledge that you have gained over a lifetime of experience. But you can only do so much research. You can only have so many experiences. Unfortunately, sometimes we aren't prepared to make decisions, but preparation or no, decisions must be made. So, when you find yourself incapable of making a good decision, you recruit the help of your advisors: friends, neighbors, confidants and colleagues. You draw on the knowledge of others to help make an educated decision. It is in this collaboration that our firm has found our niche.
The Bennon & Thorpe, LLC "Personal CFO" program was designed to help you prepare for your decisions. With research, forethought and calm rationalization, we have created our practice around pairing our clients with appropriate advice and good advisors. We act as an advocate to our clients, assisting in the creation of a strong professional network of advisors, focused on helping them make sound decisions.
The key to our process is our role in helping to integrate the efforts of your legal, tax, and financial advisors. We help to create a living financial plan.
I: Our Ideals: A. Pragmatism—Our advice must be practical. B. Objectivity—We act as independent advisors, free of proprietary arrangements and corporate influence. We only align ourselves with other independent advisors and firms. C. Advocacy—We work solely for our clients, keeping their best interests at the heart of our recommendations. D. Integration—We work with our clients' other advisors in a collaborative fashion, attempting to unify their collective efforts into a singular plan.
II. Aspects of The Financial Plan
A, Investments—Our internal core-competencies include the evaluation of investment advisors and investment contracts. We work with top institutional investment firms for best-in-class money management.
B. Insurances—Our second core-competency is in insurance planning. We work solely with independent insurance companies to structure appropriate, cost-effective insurance programs for our clients. As we are committed to objectivity, we do not align ourselves with proprietary insurance providers.
C. Legal—No financial plan is complete without having appropriate estate documents in place. We work closely with our local estate planning attorneys to make sure that your documents are adequate and updated, Where appropriate, we meet with clients and their Estate Planning attorney to act as a 'second set of eyes,' and to help answer questions on plan details.
D. Tax—Routine tax planning and annual tax preparation is critical for the effective ongoing management of our clients' financial well-being. We try to harmoniously match clients with local Tax-Advisors.
Fee-Based Planning & Third Party Money Management offered through ValMark Advisers, Inc. a SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Securities Offered Through ValMark Securities, Inc. Member FINRA, SIPC 130 Springside Drive, Suite 300 Akron, Ohio 44333-2431 * 1-800-765-5201. Bennon & Thorpe LLC is a separate entity from ValMark Securities, Inc. and ValMark Advisers, Inc.