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Thank you for your interest. For questions or comments please use the information below. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

(304) 485-1260

(304) 422-6918

Toll Free:
(800) 846-1805


Fee-Based Planning & Third Party Money Management offered through ValMark Advisers, Inc. a SEC Registered Investment Advisor.
Securities Offered Through ValMark Securities, Inc. Member FINRA, SIPC 130 Springside Drive, Suite 300 Akron, Ohio 44333-2431 * 1-800-765-5201.
Bennon & Thorpe LLC is a separate entity from ValMark Securities, Inc. and ValMark Advisers, Inc.